As part of its campaign towards a peaceful society, the Centre for Information Technology and Development (CITAD) in conjunction with the Mac Arthur Foundation and the Nigeria Stability and Reconciliatory Program (NSRP) organized a one-day media sensitization program on hate and dangerous speech. The event which took place at the conference hall of Aminu Kano Centre for Democratic Research and Training (Mambayya House) on the 24th of August, 2015 had in attendance Journalists from various media houses spread across Kano state, members of Civil Society Organisations as well as members of some CBOs and highlighted an in-depth look into the monitoring and countering perspectives of Hate and Dangerous speech with CITAD as a case study and thereafter featured an in-depth discussion on how to counter hate and dangerous speech.
The sensitization training was facilitated by Malam Abdulganiyyyu Rufa’i and Malam Kabiru Dakata both program officers of CITAD and a plenary session was held with a panel chosen at random from the representatives of the participating media houses and Ado Sa’idu Warawa of Freedom Radio Kano emerged as the chairman and he was deputized by Tijjani Yahaya and Halima Muhammad of NTA and Rahama Radio respectively. The session discussed and came up with resolutions agreed by all participants as ways of mitigating or preventing hate and dangerous speech through countering and most importantly review of existing laws that are too restrictive.


Hate and Dangerous speech is no doubt an issue in Nigeria today as a result of the proliferation of such messages in both traditional and new media.
Political party affiliates use both traditional and new media to promote hate and dangerous speech.
Xenophobic attacks in countries outside Nigeria on Nigerian nationals happens too as a result of hate and dangerous speech and that can be handled if the traditional media can step up its efforts with a lot commitment to its condemnation.
Private media houses are found wanting in tackling issues related to hate and dangerous speeches as most their primary motive is driven towards profit generation not societal orientation.
No active regulatory agency exist to enforce NBC’s code against hate and dangerous speech on media platforms available


  1. There is need for capacity building trainings for media personnel facilitated by proprietors of media organization to broadcast responsibly on airwaves and avoid dangerous and hate speech.
  2. There is a need for the use of traditional media to influence new media by encouraging discussion of trending topics on current issues and making particular topic newsworthy.
  3. Conventional media, using resources available to it, can set agenda for social media.
    Private bills should be sponsored in the parliament to make independent government-owned media houses like NTA, FRCN etc
  4. The existing Government policies and laws are flawed and outlandish. They should be reviewed and fashioned-out in ways that promote reporting with professionalism and integrity.
  5. Taking the campaign to higher institutions of learning whose audience is large and extended, more especially building the capacity of the professors/lecturers on ways to tame hate and dangerous speech and mainstreaming it into curriculum.
  6. There is need for a collaborative effort by media platforms and regulators to jointly monitor and mitigate hate and dangerous speech.
  7. There is need for intense traditional media campaign using catchy spot programs to discourage public from engaging in hate and dangerous speech.
  8. There is need for media outlets to indulge in the habit of settling government taxes duly to fast track the involvement of government in enforcing laws guiding the tenets of broadcasting.
  9. There is for the guild of corporate online publishers to organize trainings for their members on what should be and what should not be reported online.
  10. Hate and dangerous speech should not be taken for granted and as such media organizations should form coalition that will monitor and counter hate and dangerous speech.
  11. There is need for a roundtable discussion between media organizations to identify modalities that will mitigate hate and dangerous speech taking into cognizance how and where hate and dangerous speech should be reported.
  12. There is need for creation of social media policy and social media personnel to contain hate and dangerous speech.
  13. Public awareness is instrumental in countering hate and dangerous speech more especially if the campaign takes to streets using banners and flyers to educate people on the dangers of hate and dangerous speech.
  14. Media organisations in collaboration with CSOs and CBOs should put pressure on the government to privatize government-owned media outlets.
  15. There is need for religious and traditional institutions to issue admonishment to their members on the dangers of hate and dangerous speech.
  16. There is need for the establishment of clear hate and dangerous speech policies in their terms of service and mechanisms of enforcing them.
  17. There is need for teaching the youth (who are majority on social media) to think critically about all the media they consume in order to help them to recognize both overt and cloaked hate and dangerous speech on social media.


  1. At the end of the sensitization program the representatives of the media organisations, CSOs and CBOs came to the conclusion that a collective action is needed to help mitigate dangerous and hate speech on traditional and new media and that culminated into the formation of a coalition christened “Media Coalition against Hate and Dangerous Speech”.
  2. Media stations pledge to convince their managements to develop a social media policy and appoint social media manager to moderate discussion and prevent hate and dangerous speeches in their social media plat forms
  3. The media organisations seek the Technical support of CITAD to develop their Social media policy and request that CITAD give their Social media managers a technical trainings to moderate and develop social media platforms for their programs


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On 22nd August 2015, the Centre for information Technology and Development (CITAD) in its efforts of promoting PEACE CAMPAIGN organized one day workshop on the use of social media for peace campaign for student leaders in Katsina State. The aim of the training which held at the Muhammad Sunusi II ICT Centre, Alqalam University, Katsina was to train student leaders, on using social media to promote peace campaign in their schools and communities. It was attended by 26 people from various tertiary institutions in the state.

The workshop started with a welcomed address delivered by Mal Huzaifa Yakub Musa, CITAD Online Apps Officer. In his address Huzaifa Yakubu Musa drew the attention of the participants to the fact without peace, there would be no developed and that youth in particular have great responsibility in ensuring that we mobilize our communities to strive to main peace. He said this workshop was to enhance the capacity of the members of the Students for Peace (S4P) in their efforts to use social media to campaign for peace in their campuses and communities.

In the first session, Kamilu Isa Ahmed, Programmes Assistant (Peace) introduced the CITAD4PEACE Project he said CITAD had been implementing with support from MacArthur Foundation whose key objective was to sue social media to mobilize citizens and stakeholders to the need to work for peace restoration especially in the northern parts of the country. He explained the different components of the project which included various training programmes, establishment of peace platforms such as the students for peace (S4P), working with students in secondary schools, peace messages dissemination in the social media, tackling contemporary crises such as cattle rustling and Boko Haram insurgency and monitoring and countering of hate speech has been a drivers for conflicts In the society.

To lay the foundation for the workshop Kamilu also did a presentation on Volunteerism and Civic Responsibility. This was to underline thefact that activities of the S4P are entirely voluntary and that it was important for the participants to understand and locate volunteerism as a core value in the discharge of their civic responsibility.

The first technical session was on Understanding Social Media in the context of Peace Campaign. This was also facilitated by Kamilu Isa Ahmed. The presentation explained to the students that also social media could be used to spread rumors and hate speech; it is also an important tool to spread messages of peace and love. He explained that because it is reach, speed, and cost effectiveness, social media was very important tool for communication and campaign. It was necessary that youth understand how to taken of its advantages to spread the message of peace and campaign for peace building in the society.

The second technical session focused on the three major social media platforms namely YouTube, Twitter and Facebook. This was facilitated by Shehu Usman Salihu, Programme Assistant (Technical) who took the participants taken through the various platforms of setting up accounts, managing them and sending and managing messages.

After lunch the first session was hands on training on the YouTube, Twitter and Facebook with participants doing various assignments to enhance their skills in the use of these platforms. This was following by a session on Managing Students Peace Clubs during which Kamilu Isa Ahmed shared experience with students on how to manage the club in their schools.

The following session was an interactive one in which the participants were led to come up with some platforms for theircampaign. They was done in groups first. The groupsthen reported as follows:

  • The participants from Umaru Musa ‘Yar Adua University Katsina (UMYUK) (Umyukstudents4Peace proposed the use of instagram, Facebook page and Twitter
  • Those from Al Qalam University Katsina(AUK)which was only established at the training proposed to set up a Facebook platforms  and a twitter handle after the workshop

The participants agreed to sensitize other members of the clubs and promised to come up with innovations programmes that will promote peace campaign in Katsina state and the nation at large .they also promised to work hand in hand with CITAD even after their graduation. The science students among them promised that during their student industrial workshop and experience scheme   (SIWES) they will promote the use of social media to promote peace any where they were posted to and in their respective communities as well while the students from faculty of education promised to promote peace during their teaching practice (TP) wherever they were posted to by establishing peace clubs In the schools.



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As part of its contribution to the efforts to address the problem of cattle rustling which has been bedeviling many states in Northern Nigeria, the Centre for information Technology and Development (CITAD) to its training programmes on how to use social media to report cattle rustling to Katsina for Fulani Headers in the State. The workshop held on 23nd August 2015 at the Muhammad Sunusi II ICT Centre, Alqalam University, Katsina. Participants numbering 21 were drawn from different Local Government of the state. The objective of the training was to train herder on the use of social media for sending out alerts on rustling attempts communities. He added that this was part of a large project on promoting peace that CITAD was implementing with support from MacArthur Foundation and thanked the Miyati Allah Katsina State for partnering with CITAD in making the training a reality.

The training stared with a welcome address by Mal Huzaifa Yakub Musa, CITAD Online Apps Officer who expressed appreciation for the participants who inspite of the short notice honored the invitation to be here for the workshop. He said their presence was an indication of the level of scale of importance that they have given to the problem of cattle rustling. Huzaifa explained that in the last two month, CITAD had carried out similar training programmes for herders in Kaduna, Zamfara and Bauchi States and that Katsina was the fourth in the series. He said apart from training the participants on using social media to report rustling, the programme also serves as an opportunity to discuss how to develop collective approach to the problem and to advance advocacy in getting governments and other stakeholders to tackle the problem.

The technical session then stated with a presentation on the Background Document which explained the CITAD CATRIS project (Cattle Rustling Information system) whose aim is to both document, and assist in the process in rescue of rustled cattle through the use of information technology. The presentation explained the various parts of the system and how individuals could fit into trotting providing information, and volunteering to be part of the Network of Volunteers Against cattle rustlingwhose main task is the rescue of stolen cattle and the alert system to security and law enforcement agencies to apprehend cattle rustlers whenever they made attempt on the cattle of herders.

The training started with a presentation on WhatsApp by Shehu Usman Salihu, Programmes Assistant (Technical) who explained what the WhatsApp was and how it can be used to send out alerts. He also explained how people could install the Apps in their hands as well as discussed the types of handsets that could support the Apps. The next session was a practical one on the use of the WhatsApp which started by setting up accounts for the participants who were then taken on how to compose and send messages. He explained that in the platform being developed by CITAD there is provision for people to send messages not just in words by also as codes and graphics. This way, people who were not literate could be able to report when their cattle were stolen. He added that already CITAD was working on a library of codes and symbols for this purpose and that when this finalized it would be made available to the herders, especially through a follow up training like this one.

The third session as interactive one facilitated by Kamilu Isa Ahmed, Programmes Assistant (Peace) which was demonstrated of the online platform and how it works. He took the participants through the process of reporting and how the public could look at the site to see he location with coordinates of where incidence of cattle rustling took place as reported and the features of the surrounding place including coordinates so that that rescuers could have clear understating of the terrain and how to reach the place. He explained that a WhasApp group for this was set up during the training at Zamfara which was MOFTAL FULBE and encouraged the participants to tag up this group than setting up a new one as this way the number of people in the group could expand. Participants asked number questions,seeking clarification or further explanation which the facilitator helped to clarify.

The final session was group that sought the participants to come up with suggestions on what government can stakeholders could do to address cattle rustling in the country. At the end of the session, the following suggestions were made:

  1. That government needs to react more quickly to the plight of herders when it has been doing now
  2. That the police has proved incapable of addressing of the problem due a number of factors including their insufficient number, inadequate facilities and corruption in the police
  3. That there is need to provide more adequate security cover for Fulani settlements which are under attack by cattle rustlers
  4. That there is need to set up a Commission to address issues of cattle rustling
  5. That the National Human Rights Commission should be briefed about the situation and their assistance be sought
  6. That state governments should take steps to recovered grazing fields and paths that have been encroached by farmers which is fueling conflicts that cattle rustlers are exploiting
  7. That vigilante groups should be taken out of the efforts because they have tended to be part of the problem than the solution

The last session was the vote of thanks which was offered by Malama Hansatu and Malam Bello well the Chairman Miyati Allah Katsina State, Alhaji Hassan Kore offered the closing prayer.

CITAD Trains 85 Council Staff Members on IT

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Segun Awofadeji

The Centre for Information Technology and Development (CITAD) has trained 85 staff in four champion Local Government Areas (CLGAs) of Bauchi, Katagum, Ningi and Dass in the last two months, during which participants acquired knowledge and skills in Microsoft Word, Excel, power point, and the use of Internet.

Speaking during the certificate presentation ceremony to participants of computer training for staff of the Bauchi councils, the Chief of Party, RTI/LEAD International, Mr. Don Seufert, observed that the synergy between his organisation and its partners (CITAD and CLGAs) in Bauchi state was a convergent point for strengthening democratic local governance.
Seufert also observed that the training would motivate them to utilise the knowledge they acquired for effective service and self-growth.

“For LEAD and the partners (CITAD and CLGAs) it will improve local government operations and management system leading to increased transparency in the local governments operation which is of the LEAD programme objective”, he said at the event held in Bauchi.
Seufert, while describing the occasion as important for LEAD, the beneficiaries and CITAD, expressed optimism that the knowledge and skill acquired during the training would, when put to use, improve local government operations and management system.

Mr. Don Seufert explained that the mandate of CITAD is to develop the capacity of local government staff in information technology with the aim of improving LGA documentation, communication & information sharing, as well as retrieval of information.

CITAD Executive Director, Mallam Ya’u Zakariya Ya’u, had earlier in a welcome address noted that it’s only when the graduands use the knowledge acquired effectively that it would bear fruits, and justify the investments their organisations have made into putting the programme in place.
Ya’u described ICT as a dynamic sector and server change, as what CITAD did during the training was the introduction of participants to some ideas and skills, hence the need for them to build interests and update themselves so as to acquire new skills and keep up with the technology.

“We do not think that what we have given you is what you will remain stagnant wit, we believe that you continue to periodically update  up-grade, improve, and always be with the current ideas and knowledge in the field so that they can drive maximum benefit in it”, he  said.
He explained that technology offers to the people a lot of potential to improve governance, citizen participation, access to information, as well as improving documentation system which means that information is readily available.

The director revealed that CITAD has signed a partnership agreement with Keystone Bank for the purchase of computers to be loaned to the local government ICT trained staff to be paid instrumentally.

CITAD Create Platforms for Peace Promotion in North-east

Bauchi Information Commissioner, Salihu Ibrahim Halilu

By Segun Awofadeji

Bauchi Information Commissioner, Salihu Ibrahim Halilu has observed that social media has the potential to facilitate dialogue, exchange of information and ideas, and to organise and galvanise for collective action.
He also noted that social media networks are very active in defending social, environmental and political rights, freedom of the press, as well as denouncing human rights abuses.

In the same vein, Halilu said social media and mobile communication plays significant role in transforming virtual ideas into public action, as it also allows access to information not intended in corporate media in the preparation of peace in the society.

While declaring open a recent training workshop on the use of social media for peace campaign in Bauchi, he explained that social media sites and tools could be effectively and positively used for public mobilisation and campaign for peace and community integration, as well as for harmony and social cohesiveness.

He told the workshop participants drawn from civil society organisations (CSOs) and the media in the North-east that youth have the potential to build cross cultural links with other religious, ethnicities and backgrounds through the use of social media and popular means of interaction.

The commissioner also noted that social media has created spaces for more people than at any time past in history to become engaged with important issues of the present time.

“They have made a significant and enduring difference to the way people organise for social and political activism, create economic opportunities, facilitate disaster response, link networks across national divides, and share previously inaccessible information and knowledge”, he added.

Bauchi State coordinator of the Centre for Information Technology and Development (CITAD), organisers of the workshop, Mallam Isa Garba, said his organisation looked at the insecurity challenge in the North-east and sought that social media can play important role in advocating for peace.
Describing technology as a double-edged tool, Garba said CITAD decided to train CSOs on how to use the social media for peace advocacy rather than allow people to use it in the negative aspect.

He said the workshop was designed to create a platform with the CSOs in trying to advocate designed policies with the government where peace can be created, maintained and promoted in the North-east sub-region.
Altogether, 32 participants from CSOs and the media across five states in the North-east, Borno, Bauchi, Gombe, Adamawa and Taraba are attending the two-day CITAD training workshop.

Bauchi Internal Revenue on the Rise

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Governor Isa Yuguda

Segun Awofadeji 
in Bauchi

The Bauchi State Government yesterday said despite the security challenges being faced in the state, the state’s Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) had skyrocketed to a bearable level, when compared with how much the state was generating in the past.

Also, the state government revealed that it had perfected its financial status in conformity with world financial reporting system standard in order to boost the state’s financial status amongst the comity of other states.

Fielding question from journalists in Bauchi, the Chairman of the state Board of Internal Revenue, Alhaji Mu’azu Usman, said the state internal revenue had been increasing yearly due to the favourable economic policies formulated by the state government.

He enumerated the new policies to include reform in the tax laws and administration, automation of tax system, logistics, capacity building and motivation of tax administrators, saying they have gone along way in boosting the state internal revenue with satisfiable percentage.

“Since the implementation of these policies, our internal revenue in the state has continued to rise and by 2013, we are optimistic that it will go up with high percentage because we are always working on how to revitalise our economy in the state,” he said.

Usman, who explained that the internal revenues of the state come mainly from Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) such as the Ministry of Land and Housing, Ministry of Justice, the state Water Board, judiciary, Yankari Games Reserve, amongst others, added that the state government had diversified its sources in order to generate more incomes to the state that can be used for developmental projects.

He said apart from that the economic activity of the people had also developed as a result of the numerous human empowerment programmes the present administration introduced in the state, which concomitantly increased the number of tax payers.

This is just as he stated that the Board has embarked on tax enlightenment programme to encourage people to be paying their taxes as at when due.

Meanwhile, the Permanent Secretary in the state Ministry of Finance, Alhaji Liman Bello, while fielding questions on the state government’s financial status, “In fact, particularly the Executive Governor of Bauchi State, Mallam Isa Yuguda, is doing things the right way. We have to go by the normal World standard, the world is moving and we have to move with it otherwise we will be left behind.”

Bello, who was speaking when the Centre of for Information Technology and Development (CITAD), paid an advocacy visit to the ministry yesterday, said the state government was among the first states in the federation that enacted the Public Procurement and Fiscal Responsibility Laws in conformity with the directive of the Federal Government.

“As much as possible the Bauchi State Government try to go by the rules, the Due Process Office has been up and doing and things are done according to laws,” Bello told CITAD, a non-governmental organisation that ensures transparency and accountability in the management of public finance.

He recalled that Bauchi introduction of e-payment which had at initial stage characterised by technical problems but which, he argued, the civil servants have for the past few months been witnessing as the most effective and efficient system.

The permanent secretary explained that it is the responsibility of the Ministry of Finance to work with partners that are interested in ensuring prudence, transparency and accountability of public finance, stressing that it’s not business as usual as far as budget formats and processes are concerned.

Bello assured that public finance management in Bauchi is being done in the best interest of government and the people of the state, expressing confidence that such initiatives of CITAD and alike will energise and sensitise government to live up to its responsibilities in public finance management.

Earlier, CITAD Senior Programme Officer, Kabiru Sa’idu Dakata, had told Usman that the visit was to brief the ministry on the activities of the Bauchi Coalition for Improvement of Public Expenditure Management (BACIPEM).

He said it is also make suggestions on how to improve implementation of the Public Procurement and Fiscal Responsibility Laws, and present copies of the coalition Community Development Charter which contain recommendations on what communities in the state would like to see in 2013 budget with respect to health sector.

Dakata explained that BACIPEM was established last year when CBOs that shared the goal of promoting transparency and accountability in public expenditure management system in the state deliberated on how to enhance public expenditure transparency and accountability in the state.

He enumerated the objectives of BACIPEM as to promote the culture of transparency and accountability in the management of public resources in the state, and support government efforts at implementing the Public procurement and Fiscal responsibility laws of the state.

Other objectives, he said, are to advocate for the implementation of the two laws, facilitate the involvement of citizens and communities in budget processes, as well as monitor the implementation of budget in the state.

Dakata expressed optimism that BACIPEM observations and suggestions would propel the state further towards a more transparent and accountable public expenditure management system that would result in value for money and make it easier for citizens to enjoy the dividends of democracy.

Stop Reckless, Inflammatory Statements, CSOs Warn Politicians

By Abimbola Akosile

A group of 22 Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in the country have warned the various members of the political class to stop issuing reckless and inflammatory statements that are capable of over-heating the polity, ahead of the February general elections.

In a statement issued in Abuja, the coalition applauded the peace accord recently signed by the top presidential candidates, and called on all politicians and indeed all citizens to remain law-abiding and have faith in rule of law and due process; urging all politicians to address their grievances and misgivings through legally established channels.

Signatories to the statement include Y. Z. Ya’u of the Centre for Information Technology and Development (CITAD); Uche Wilson Dureke of Centre for Peace across Borders; Dr. Hussaini Abdu of ActionAid Nigeria; Dr. Abiola Akiode-Afolabi of Women Advocates’ Research and Documentation Centre (WARDC); Saudatu Mahdi of Women’s Rights Advancement and Protection Alternative, (WRAPA); Isah Garba of BACIPEM, Bauchi; and Saludeen Hashim of the West Africa Civil Society Forum (WACSOF-Nigeria).

Others include Anya Okeke of State of African Union (SOTU); Auwal Musa Rafsanjani of Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre (CISLAC); Ezenwa Nwagwu of Partners on Electoral Reform; Jaye Gaskiya of Protest to Power Movement; Idayat Hassan of Centre for Democracy and Development (CDD); Lukman Adekunle of Zero Corruption Coalition (ZCC); Dr. Godwin Ojo of Environmental Rights Action (ERA); General Ishola Williams of Pan-African Strategic and Policy Research Centre (PANAFSTRAC)

The remaining signatories are ZIK Ibrahim of Resource Centre for Human Rights & Civil Education (CHRICED); Bilkisu Yusuf of Advocacy Nigeria; John Odah of Abuja Collectives, Abuja; Ezenwa Nwagwu of Say No Campaign; Emma Ezeazu of the Alliance for Credible Elections (ACE); and Chido Onumah of the African Centre for Media & Information Literacy.

In the statement released by Miss Uche Madueke of WACSOF, the CSOs noted that “We applaud the signing of an accord by leading candidates in the elections to keep to the code of conduct already signed by all registered political parties in the country and be civil and courteous during the campaign. The value of such an accord is however not in the signing but in keeping to the letters and words.

APC’s new member, CITAD, in the words of a founder

07 August 2015 (APCNews)

Participants in a CITAD workshop. Source:

Participants in a CITAD workshop.

Each member provides the APC network its unique perspective and experience, thus participating in the construction of a rich and diverse global community. Nigeria’s Centre for Information Technology and Development (CITAD) comes with an enlightening vision: “A knowledge-based democratic society free of hunger.” As CITAD joins APC, read its story in the words of one of its founders, Yanusa Ya’u.

How was the the centre founded?

In the early 1980s when I was lecturing at Bayero University, Kano, we introduced a course unit called Information Technology (IT) for final year students. At that time IT was only a concept. I taught the course for about three years and the students liked it, but it was not generally understood as something useful by the education administration, so in 1987 following a national harmonisation of curriculum of universities in the country, the course unit was phased out.

As I was convinced that we could not run away from IT, I sought for an alternative platform to continue to teach information technology knowledge to people who were interested. This was what led to my teaming with some colleagues to establish the Computer Literacy Project (CLP), an informal platform devoted to providing computer training to students and others.

Gradually the demand expanded and this was when we then decided to introduce the Learn and Teach Others (LATO) principle, requiring all those who benefited from our training to also agree to become volunteer trainers.

A few years later we asked ourselves a key question: what was the purpose of the computer literacy we were training people for? Certainly it was not just for its fun, and the conclusion crystallised in the idea of the Centre for Information Technology and Development (CITAD), meaning that we thought of a platform to push for ICTs as tools for development. CITAD became a space not only for ICT geeks but for activists committed to democracy, who saw ICTs as tools for democratisation.

Our goal since then has been to provide guidelines informed by both research and practice on how ICTs could be properly deployed in the efforts to promote sustainable development and good governance.

What’s unique about CITAD?

The uniqueness of CITAD is shaped by the circumstance of its founding that made it from the beginning to be driven by the spirit of volunteerism which finds anchorage in our flagship marker that is LATO. Using this approach, each alumnus of CITAD (for whatever programme) becomes a volunteer to give back to the organisation what he or she was given freely. This has enabled us to have limitless volunteers who are ready to offer time, resources, social networks and other services. This has made the centre not so much a centre in the conventional sense of a physical space but a centre of mass movement of people committed to the use of ICT to promote good governance and sustainable development.

What are you most proud of?

We feel greatly proud of our work using ICT to promote peace in the country. Over the last three years we have engaged in social media peace campaigns, mobilising citizens, government, community leaders and other organisations to realise that peace making is a collective responsibility. We have set up a hate speech observatory, monitoring and countering hate speech, especially in the context of the last general elections.

Why did you decide to join APC?

We feel that given our experience, networks and social placing, we can contribute in the furtherance of the objectives of APC while at the same time gaining from the experience, expertise and knowledge of the APC network to enhance the work we do.

We see also in APC a platform that can help us speak out to the global community on local issues. CITAD’s history as an organisation that provides services and does campaigns and policy advocacy means that it has a blend of experience that other organisations in APC could learn from. We think that given our social positioning, we could also leverage civil society voices to be a grassroots rooting for APC’s voice.


Dear members of the press. We welcome you to this press conference. We have chosen to address you to today on the effort to address the plight of victims of Boko Haram insurgency and other violent activities in the country. Since the last five years, millions of Nigerians have come under different attacks from the activities of insurgents such as bombings, gun attacks and other similar acts of terror. While many have died, thousand have been rendered disabled from various injuries. Similarly thousands of children have been orphaned and rendered homeless. Many are living in camps for internally displaced persons who no parents to care for them, these people are needing urgent care from the society to help them be rehabilitated.

It is in this connection that we welcome the directive by President Muhammadu Buhari`s to the Head of Service of the Federation, Mr. Danladi Kifasi to immediately facilitate the release of Five Billion Naira to the Victims Support Fund (VSF). The directive has further demonstrated the commitment of his administration to not only defeat terrorism in the country but also restore the meaningful life of the victims of the insurgency. About 2 million Nigerians have been forced to flee their homes as a result of the insurgent activities in Northeast, and majority of them are living in the formal and informal IDPs camps around the country.

While reiterating our confidence on the members of VSF under the chairmanship of Gen. T.Y. Danjuma, we call on the Federal Government to put in place more mechanisms for the prudent and accountable usage of the fund. This will no doubt ensure transparency and proper management of the fund, and also allow for its independent tracking.

It will be recalled that, in July, 2014 the Nigerian Government has constituted a Committee on Victims Support Fund to mobilize resources and administer appropriate support to victims of insurgency and Boko Haram terror activities all over the country. In executing its mandate, the committee organized a fundraising dinner in the month of August, 2015. It was at that dinner the Federal government, then under Goodluck Jonathan pledged the sum of 5 billion naira to the committee but failed to honour the pledge before leaving office on 29 May, 2015.

Finally, we call on the wealthy Nigerians, private organizations and international organizations to support the cause of the VSF committee as it became obvious that such victims are seriously in need of the humanitarian support.

On our party as civil society, we are committed to the tracking of the use of the fund not only to ensure accountability but also to make sure that it gets to those it should reach as well as produce the desired result and impact in the society.


  1. Kabiru Sa`idu Dakata, Centre for Information Technology and Development (CITAD), Kano
  2. Mohammed G. Wuyo, Borno Coalition for Democracy and Progress (BOCODEP), Borno
  3. Enoch Raymond, Centre for Environmental Education and Development (CEED), Taraba
  4. Rebecca Hassan, Association of People Living with Disability, Gombe
  5. Aishatu Margima, Women and Youth Empowerment for Advancement and Health Initiative (WYEAHI), Adamawa
  6. Isah Garba, Bauchi Coalition for Improvement of Public Expenditure Management (BACIPEM), Bauchi
  7. Halimatu Laminu, Network of Civil Society Organizations, Yobe
  8. Dauda Mohammad, Northeast Youth Initiative Forum(NEYIF),
  9. Shehu Usman Salihu, North West University Students for Peace (NWS4P)
  10. Abdullganiyu Y Rufai, CITAD4Peace



The Centre for Information Technology and Development (CITAD) with support from USAID organized a Stakeholders Meeting on the State of Education in the Northeast, the meeting held at the Custodian Hotel, Gombe on 27th July 2015 brought representatives from ministries of Education, Nigeria Union Of Teachers (NUT), Parent and Teachers Association (PTA), SUBEB, School Based Management Committees, CSOs and academics from all the six states of the region. Chaired by Prof Abdullahi L. Tukur, a Chairmen SUBEB Chairman and ex-Secretary top the Adamawa State Government, the meeting had the objective of getting the various stakeholders appreciate the new project that CITAXD is currently implementing in the region to seek their cooperation and support to ensure its success.


The meeting started with opening remarks from the chairman, Prof Tukur who observed that the North East Region was educationally backward. He said that while the population of the region could be of good advantage against other regions at the moment this was yet to be harnessed. He noted that all the slogans of the states have turned out hollow and not reflecting the true situations in the states today. He therefore urged that it was time for us to better sit and think on how to change and this can be done by addressing the problems of the education system in the region.


He suggested adopting some of the following to serve as our core values in addressing our problems.


i. Care and concern: in terms of how we obtain our information not to deviate or fall to deception. And to always have a fallback position since saying the truth, sometimes become a problem.

ii. Cooperation, but compromise: Rigidity may not always be the ultimate, compromise can be driven to good results.

iii. Development work to serve the people than the personal interest of leaders.

iv. Commitment: To patience, perseverance and sincerity of intensions.

v. The education system in the North East has the ability to serve 9.2 million people.

vi. Consistency: In our instrument of measurement to reflect ways of conducting how things should be appropriated by the best (merit) and defy from faith, etc.

This was followed by a presentation on the project, entitle Engaging Stakeholders For Enhanced Educational Governance in the North East Region by Y. Z. YA’U of CITAD. The presentation explained what the project was all about, its objectives, framework, components and expected outcomes. He started by saying that this was a journey from a crisis period to take us out of the crisis into a post-crisis era that required a post-crisis agenda. He said the crisis period is characterized by the current insurgency in the region which is the result of a combination of factors including low educational attainment, poverty, unemployment, poor governance and weak civil society. He said the overall goal was to galvanize all stakeholders toward a comment engagement to revamp the education sector as a key to addressing the myriad of development challenges of the region. He argued that Education was central in addressing the issue of insurgents in the region. He said that given the enormity of the problem, we need all stakeholders to come together, discuss the problem identify solutions; assign roles and responsibilities and together work to ensure that the solutions are implemented. The project hopes to see an increase in access to education, improvement in quality of education, gender parity in educational achievement, mainstreaming of disability issues in the education architecture of the region and addressing the education needs of internally by displaced people. He listed the key components of the project as including baseline survey on the state of education in the region (which had already commenced with an earlier methodology workshop held for the researchers), Public engagements, developing ICT Tools for Expenditure Tracking,, advocacy and regular public engagements. This would be done with the key stakeholders including PTAs, Ministries of Education, SUBEB, SBMCS, ANCOPS, NUT and the legislatures.

  • He said that the survey component for which we solicit the support and cooperation of all the stakeholders was to enable us fully understand the problems of the sector in empirical way with data and information to substantiate it. We expect the outcome of the survey to give us a better knowledge of the funding profile in education sector, education dynamics in the states and education outcomes.


As public engagement driven project, there would be robust public Awareness programme using various means including radio programs, drama, radio jingles, use of social media and public meetings such as this to discuss, share information and to keep the problem on the door step of every individual.


Following the presentation, a question and answer opportunity was provided for participants to either seek further clarification or make more input to the project. Among the key observations were:


Prof. Tukur, the chairman of the meeting raised the following observations. To re-incorporate our commitment to the survey could be a bit rough, taking in to consideration of each state to be an island of its own. In addition governance, peace and security as the key point of the survey, however as a tourist destination, if networks of roads can be crisscrossed, Mambila alone can save the whole of Africa with beverages.


He stated also that, we need government to strategize to stop insurgency otherwise, development cannot take place.


Proportion of students ration in the North East in comparison with its counterpart regions of the south-south and south west for example is too higher and that if half percent commitment given to private schools is committed to public schools, there would be improvement. Observing also that, outcome of the survey should go beyond the government but to involve everybody, adding that the state own schools are not making it at the tertiary institutions.


Ayo Oladini, made his own observation that series of projects have been funded by USAID, America, Japanese but the question here is; Do we share?


Adamu Baba: Also raised the observations that:

1. The pride in being a Teacher is in the product the quality of the instructional delivery is the most important. That there is the need to sit with NUT, and ask the question whether the products are theirs and how so that we can ask them what they want so that if provided we tasks them to achieve quality.

2. Resources: That the North East has resources, according to him, little resources advanced to development partners achieve a lot therefore, the need to harness local partners to achieve result.

3. Political Will: That there is no political will by the six North Eastern States Governments to demonstrate with partners. Though, Gombe State Governor, in order to address the youth confrontation of the “Kalare”, travelled to Lagos, to borrow a leaf of how the youth OPC of Lagos was addressed They were rehabilitated and employed as security personnel, while others trained on various skills acquisition.

Also government does not want to listen, while civil societies have keen interest.


Adamu Muhammad: From North East Youth Initiative Forum (Yobe State), observed that, Nigerians are good planners, infrastructure wise, Teachers, learning-teaching environment, but without improving the standard of teachers welfare. Incentives to teachers be considered such as; accommodation, training, promotions, prompt payment of salaries etc. To him, government are to be blame most and not teachers.


Suleiman Darazo, the team leader for USAID commended on the strategies employed by Y. Z. Ya’u, the Executive Director CITAD, in his presentation to move the state of education in the North East forward. But however, pointed out that, there is no stated clear level of education that the project intends to focus on. And that there is also the need for linkages on how problems will make meaning on the whole issues.


Adamu Muhammad: According to him, proper monitoring and evaluation is what differentiate between the quality of performance in public and private schools. And that passion and commitment is lost out of the teaching profession. Observing also that, prior to the insurgency, North East educational background was on the retrogression.  Though, the situation worsening at present and has hindered on development.


That schools being used as IPD’s camp, deprive learning of incumbent students and a double lost. Parents and students morale have drastically reduced to attending schools in Yobe State, considering high level of insecurity in the State.


Juju Mamman from Maiduguri: Raised the observation that, politics and our youths have played a lot in the educational backwardness in the North East. Researches upon the fact that, an educated youth, when does not participate in politics, could hardly live the affluent life style of the illiterate or half educated youth in politics resulting in a demoralized spirit for learning.


And cannot ascertain what actually is wrong with our teachers. Is it that our children cannot deliver? She also made the observation of what is happening in the teaching profession nowadays to be the same with what is obtainable in our hospitals. The profession has turned out a “call in”. Interest, preferential treatment in the posting of teachers rather than need by schools have over shadowed the systems.


Next time was the keynote address on the topic Education as key to the Development of the North East by Dr. Shu’aibu Musa,, Rector Federal Polytechnic, Bauchi and former Commissioner of Education, Bauchi State. He started by reviewing the concept of education in three perspectives, ie : General Education: This is critical to economic growth and poverty reduction and requires getting children enrolled in schools in turns need the actions of CSOs, functioning of democratic and governance institutions. Second is Girl Child Education for healthier children, justice and equity, improved family life and better society. Thirdly, Technical and vocational education that should imparts skills and competences, aids production of goods and services and provides massive employment.


He reviewed the state of education in the North Eastern States as characterized by

1. Training: The region is generally trailing other regions in the positive indicators; but also leading in negative indicators.

2. Situation worsening due to insurgency.

3. Drew a table of enrolment where a national demographic survey figures revealed 8.8% university enrolment of North East to 24% of the South-south.


He suggested as strategies and priorities the following:

1. strengthening of ministries and state UBEs:

- Project identification and contract administration.

- Provision of infrastructural materials.

- Enhance PTA and community participation and completion.

2. Repair/rehabilitation and provision of additional schools.

3. Up scaling of Almajiri and nomadic schools.

4. Teacher education and training workshops.

5. Strengthening of inspectorate departments.

6. Special attention to technical and vocational education.

- regularize appropriate system.

- Establish technical and vocational centres.

- Special scholarships for students in technical and vocational education.



Adamu Baba Audu: observed that there was problem in 2006 with Federal Government Teachers Scheme and also how to justify the fake results being issued with genuine signature of provost or registrar of schools? Could this be attributed to the institution or new technology? That students themselves have no commitment to learning but instead bribe their ways to get through system.


Muhammad Magaji: PTA Chairman Gombe stated that politics has completely been messed the education sector. To him, there is improper funding of schools, inflating credits in examinations, wonders if this could be attributed to teachers, government or who? Insurgency also serving a key factor, truth needs to be told, segregation in terms of education, teachers’ welfare neglected. All these combined to set a drawback to education in the North East.


Rebecca Hassan: reported on incident of a Federal Poly student who lost her eye sight and pleaded for an avenue to continue her education, drawing attention to the problems of people with disability in the education sector in the region.


Shu’aibu  Adamu, delivered a message by North East coordinator sign language interpreters associatio that disabled people should be included in the normal schools and a sign language for the deaf be improved upon in our schools. Parents of the disabled be enlightened on how to relate with their children who have such problems. Also the North East states should have special education centers included in their tertiary institutions.

Mrs. Loise: representative of Ministry of Education, Bauchi, observed two (2) factors responsible to the state of education in the North East.

1. Teachers quality

2. Quality assurance

Changing the nomenclature from inspectorate to quality assurance to her did not yield result. Inspectorate she said was feared most to the name quality assurance.


Finanga Yakubu Amtassa, MAUTech, Yola Observed,

1. Quality of Teachers:

Most teachers pick up teaching as a last resort. This point has turned out to be a national issue. With the situation worsening in the North Eastern states, the same scenario affects every sector. The number of schools drop outs is on the high rate. He stated that only education sector and doctors are in real work force. That even responsible literate parents, bribe in respect of their children to pass examinations.


Alh. Baba Lawal of NUT, Maiduguri observed that in view of all other submissions, education is the responsibility of all. No one section is to blame.

Most of the teachers attended a crash program at the NCE. Unlike in those days that from on set of NCE, you are assigned a pupil class to manage, government should look inward to revisit teachers training, employment, and its conditions.


Most a times there are no interest to teaching profession. Posting conditions too is out of place. Posting is on the basis of interest and not need by schools. Incentives are not provided.


Sale Mabudi, Director Inspectorate, Gombe commended the presentation to be an excellent presentation to have touched basics and even post basics, citing example with the problems in the health sector in the North East.


Believing also that education is key to development. Increase funding in to education would improve upon the system. Politics have played a vital role, Ministry of Education, SUBEB are constrained by political influence in areas as posting, recruitment, etc. Politicians should be sensitized not to interfere into education sector. Commended the present Gombe State administration in terms of schools construction in areas that are hardy accessible. Teachers’ recruitment has increased, but the organization is still faced with problems of resignations of teachers on weekly basis. In order to retain them, incentives have to be enhanced in relation to posting to rural areas in particular and other welfare. This is addition to the high number of people seeking admissions into schools as a result of the insurgent activities as they share boundaries with highly affected areas. Advocacy should be paid to parents to enroll their children in schools to overcome the outrageous number of school age children at home.


Samson Ada, Director Inspectorate Division, Taraba State, admitting to all other points stated by other stakeholders, stressed emphasis on training and strengthening inspectorate division and providing adequate fund. He also observed that the chief executives of the State needed be reminded to fulfill their campaign promises because at times you budget, but funds not really released.


Lawall El-Rufa’i,  commended the presenter, but also admit that even those with the NCE and B.Ed, pick up the appointment as a last resort and as such cannot make a quality teachers. Passion and commitment have to be inculcated hence, the need to call for Grade II teachers. Most often also the NCE students are school dropouts, who hardly could cope with academic stress, and are encouraged to pick NCE course at tertiary institution.


Political interventions have also contributed in distorting the system. Appointment into education offices should be considered on education experience and qualification and not political inclined partners.


Halimatu Laminu, observed also that, teachers employed without teaching qualifications should be re-oriented on teaching methods, to be able have effective teaching-learning class control and to also deliver.


Kawu Munguno, University of Maiduguri, stressed the emphasis on the following points

1. Quality of leadership. Criteria for leadership most be ear-marked. To him, all his local government chairmen must have a minimum degree qualification.

He added by given an example of a campaign statement of a contestant that, “If you vote for me, I will not force your children to come to school.” And asked could be said about such a person to improving education in the sector.


2. Attitudinal Change of everybody is essential. Sentiments overrides procedures and competency, that even at the university level, people bring in their wives to become lecturers even when they cannot deliver. Wonders if such could happen at the university level, it could extend to all other sectors.


3. Integration: Schools are homogenous in nature and a reflection of the whole country, contrary to what is happening at present.


He added that, there is beauty in diversity which boils down to our manner. We should allow other people different from our communities to be part of our educational system. He solicited as a researcher for support and cooperation to provide them with necessary information to help put on record to get the education institution right.


Responses to key points in observations raised by respective stakeholders by Dr. Shu’aibu, Rector Federal Polytechnic:

1. That it is interesting that people are taking about Teachers, funding, inspectorate as parameters.

2. Funding: Judicious utilization of what is being funded should be advocated.

3. Counterpart funding: Money is budgeted, but is not met. Therefore we need attitudinal change.

4. Teacher Education: Agreed that there is a missing link when the Federal Government decided to abolish the teachers colleges, he rejected the decision as commissioner for education, but all his could not see the light of the day. Teacher training must be taken seriously he said. Instructional materials without instructor, is nowhere he said.

5. Politics: Education is politicized in terms of structuring of schools, recruitment, posting etc. and must be stopped.

6. Monitoring and Evaluation (Inspection): Facilities and transportations should be provided. In addition to recommendation made during inspection be executed.

7. Constant change in policy: The constant change in different policies, without allowing policies to mature has an adverse effect on educational draw back.

8. Fake Results: The value attached to paper qualification has resulted in such situations. A typical example in Bauchi where three (3) people presents one result for appointment.


The attempt to screen teachers in Bauchi and Edo States to ensure quality was rejected by Union leaders. Any agency recruiting should adapt the policy of verification in order to minimize such act.

9. In respect of the student who lost her sight; we should be in be in position to advocate for social inclusion of people living with disabilities in the three levels of education; primary, secondary and tertiary institutions. And that contact would be made to find possible university admission in her favour to accommodate the student at the University of Jos.

10. Social Inclusion: Basic and post basic agitation for inclusion should be taught to attain the same school with other normal children rather than segregation.

JAMB conducted effective and successful UTME examinations this year for people with special needs. Commitment should be involved to achieve such.


The last session was a brief presentation on challenges in understanding the state of education in the north east by Dr. Raji Boye of the Yobe State University. He said the objective of his presentation was to raise some key challenges that the baseline survey researchers were likely to face and therefore seek the support of

1. Enrolment, i.e. for the students to still remain in class not being chased to come to school. He also stressed that the gap is still widening.

2. Low Funding: we need to know what funds go into the sector and how it is being used and managed.

3. Qualitative education: what are the key indicators for quality of education in the region and how can these be measured?

4. Functioning schools: how do we capture the state of the schools in terms of facilities, equipment, teachers, etc.

5. Availability and Collection of Data (Statistics). What level we are and what level are we going? i.e. getting accurate and the willingness of the officers to give the data for work,.


To get the following data such as number of enrolment, structure, disability, teachers and their qualification, students enrolled and remain in schools, facilities such as electricity, water, etc. he ended by presenting the researchers to the stakeholders.