The Centre for Information Technology and Development had on 22 nd September, 2022 under
its project on Mobilizing and Catalyzing Citizens Action for Accountable Election and
Governance in Nigeria supported by MacArthur Foundation held its Eighth Dialogue on Anti-
Corruption Fight in Nigeria with two of its sub-grantees; Abubakar Sadiq Mu’azu, Executive
Director, Center CATAI and Chioma Agwuegbo, Executive Director, TecHerNG while Dr. Kawu
Adamu Sule, PhD, Lecturer, Department of Sociology, Bayero University, Kano served as the
moderator. As it has become tradition in the Centre that every month it’s conducting the
dialogue, in the month of August, the Centre hosted Mu’azu Alhaji Modu, Executive Director,
Spotlight for Transparency and Accountability Initiative and Adeola Fayehum, Producer at
Keeping it with Adeola with Malam Haruna Adamu, Community Network Coordinator at CITAD
as the moderator.
The dialogue started with an opening remarks by the Executive Director of CITAD, Yunusa Zakari
Ya’u. Mr. Ya’u begin his remarks with aim of organizing the monthly dialogue where he stated
that; the aim of the dialogue is to give the sub-grantees under this project an opportunity to
regularly share their work with a wider audience in promoting accountability and fighting
corruption in Nigeria. He also mentioned that the dialogue is aimed at giving both the sub-
grantees and young people who have interest in the area an opportunity to discuss and share
ideas. He went further to state that CITAD has for many years been working in the area of
accountability and fighting corruption in Nigeria and empowering young people to demand for
good governance. Buttressing further on the essence of organizing the monthly dialogue, the
Executive Director said is to create a platform for the sub-grantees and those who have an
interest in the area to discuss ideas and learn from each other as corruption and lack of
accountability are the major obstacles towards the country’s growth and development”.
Opening the dialogue, the chairman of the September dialogue, Dr. Sule Rano said that Nigeria
needs transparent and accountable government and platforms like this one will helps in
ensuring government officials are put on their toes. He further stated that “accountable
election is key to good governance and democracy” and in a good democracy citizens must be
allowed to choose/elect their leaders. “This situation can only be achieved through accountable
and transparent election”. Dr. Sule buttressed.
The first speaker was Abubakar Mu’azu, Executive Director Centre for Advocacy and
Accountability Initiative. Mr. Mu’azu started his presentation by emphasizing the need for
accountable election and ensuring strict adherence to democratic process in electing leaders in
all positions and for citizens to understand their responsibilities in electing competent and
credible leaders. For the upcoming 2023 elections, Mr. Mu’azu shared with the participants the
efforts his organization is making in the area of empowering citizens with access to information
and amplifying their voices. The Executive Director stated that at Centre CATAI, they have been

creating awareness on the need for the citizens to participate in the elections, renew their
Permanent Voters’ Cards, the need to engage in the electoral processes; from primary to
secondary elections. He went further to state that even though Borno State has fewer people in
terms of PVC collection, but still citizens are campaigning and raising their voices in holding
government accountable due to intensify campaigns around the area by Civil Society Actors in
the state.
Speaking about the need for young people to actively engage and participate in the governance
and affairs of their country, the executive director said “young people need to advocate for the
inclusion of youth in leadership position and ensure their voice is heard for majority of the
voters in the country are youth”
Discussing on the activities they embark on, he said, Center CATAI has started shooting short
videos with young people and the essence of that is to change the perspective of the citizens
and how people can engage the government officials. According to him, the major target of the
campaign is young people because they constitute the highest number among all the other
constituency. On the tools they are using to reach their target audience, Mr. Mu’azu said they
mostly use Social Media because it is faster and easier to reach young people and encourage to
do what is good. Abubakar also explained that the focus of the campaign of recent is to
empower young people to have access to the right information, collect their PVCs and ensure
they elect the right leaders that will ensure accountability and transparency in governance,
enhancing and making quality education and serve the need of the citizens through different
initiative, advocacy, and engagement after the election.
Stressing the need of collaborative efforts, Mr. Mu’azu said to ensure the sustainability of such
kind of initiative and its success, citizens must accept it and take ownership of the process and
ensure sustained advocacy around having accountable government that will provide evidence
of democracy.
Also speaking at the dialogue, the Deputy Country Director of MacArthur Foundation, Oladayo
Olaide hailed CITAD for organizing and coordinating the discussion which he described as timely
and encouraging. Mr. Olaide went further to say that there is need to find ways on how to
include accountability into the discourse around 2023 general election and other important
issues that are significant to the election and try to rally out and speak out those issues. He also
advised and encouraged people working in this area to ensure as much as possible remain
neutral in the implementation of their activities
At the end of the dialogue participants asked questions and answers were provided by the

CITAD Launches Mobile App On Budgetary, and Procurement Processes In Bauchi 

The Centre for Information Technology and Development (CITAD) has launched a mobile app known as the ‘Office of the Citizens’ on budgetary and procurement processes in Bauchi state.
According to Isah Garba, Senior Programmes Officer of CITAD, the project is intended to improve service delivery through effective citizen participation in the budgetary and procurement processes in Bauchi state.
He told Journalists during a press conference in his office on Thursday that it focuses on building the capacity of the legislators, public officers and civil society activists in the state to be able to work together to promote effective citizens participation in the governance process of the state.
He explained further that the project currently works in six local government areas of the state namely: Alkaleri, Bauchi, Katagum, Misau, Ningi, and Toro with a special focus on Basic Education, Procurement, Freedom of Information and the Budgetary process.
The goal of the project is to Strengthen Citizen’s Participation in Governance through Active Participation in the Budgetary and Procurement Processes of the state.

Isah Garba added that the objectives of the project are to Enhance the capacity of 40 CSOs to engage both government and citizens in the budget process as means of improving citizens’ participation in budget processes and Enhance the skills of 40 government officials in the interface with citizens to collect, collate and use citizens input in the budget process.
It will also facilitate the monitoring of procurement processes in the focal areas of education, health, and youth and women’s development while part of the initiative in the project is to help citizens monitor public projects in their communities and provide feedback to the government on the status and nature of the project implementations as well as demand that projects are executed based on the contract agreement between the government and the contractors.

In order to make this happen easily, the project decided to leverage technology to bridge the gap of time and locations as well as reduce cost implications in the course of reporting projects and also assist the government to get instant reports on projects from the communities, even if the government project monitoring team is not on ground.
The Senior Program Manager explained that the application was developed using Java8 programming language, with PHP and MYSQL as a database management system that encrypts any user information in the server.
The application has signing keys which were generated using Android Studio APK analyzer signed by Google, any user information or form submitted in the application is stored on the Amazon web server (AWS) while anyone can open an account from the app and can report, but no one can have access to the backend or source code until they are permitted on the GitHub server.
The app can serve as an interface platform between the citizens, public officers and legislators in the state, where citizens can effectively participate in decision-making and improve transparency and accountability in the state.
He then disclosed that it is currently available on the Android Play Store with the name office of the citizens and can be downloaded and used by every citizen in the state to send reports on project implementations in their communities, and where the response of the Ministry of Budget and Economic Planning is needed, there is an interface through chatting that any user can ask questions and responses will be provided either instantly or when the responses are available.

Additionally, the state budget documents released by the ministry of budget and economic planning will be uploaded on the app so that users can easily access the documents from the app. alternatively, the users can access the platform using any browser through
On the call of CITAD, he said that “We want to use this medium to call on civil society organizations and community-based organizations in Bauchi state who are the voice and eyes of the citizens in the state to download the App, utilize the App as well as sensitize their partners on reporting project implementations at the community level so that the state government can get on the spot report on projects to enable the state track, monitor, and ensure value for money and effective service to the citizens of the state”.
He added that “We should all know that governance is a collective responsibility of both the government and the citizens, therefore, it is imperative for both to work together to ensure effective service delivery and inclusive governance and decision-making process in the state”.

GBV: CITAD trains 3rd phase of Gender Champions in Kano

The Centre for Information Technology and Development, CITAD has organized a Two days training for 20 youths, tagged ‘Gender Champions’ on the ways to address Gender-Based Violence in their various communities in Kano State.

The training, which is the third in the series of Gender Champions, took place in Kano with the aim to curtail the menace of GBV in the society.

Speaking to Journalists at the training, CITAD’s Gender Officer, Mrs. Zainab Aminu described Gender Violence as malicious and harmful act, posing serious threat to the general well-being of human societies, calling on stakeholders to collaborate with a view to fighting the scourge.

According to her, GBV is an unfortunate act where perpetrators directed at individuals or group of people.

She however said, the 20 Champions were selected from various communities in Kano state.

Participants during the training.

“Ambassadors selected will be empowered to conduct step-down training in their respective communities as well as making a powerful advocacy visit to key relevant stakeholders,”

“The champions also comprised of both men and women, including People Living With Disabilities.”

She noted that CITAD will continue sensitizing the general public against the scourge, stressing that, it will not rest on its oars until GVB is drastically reduced.

Zainab Aminu explained that the training is sponsored by Centre for Information and Development (CITAD) with support from Ford Foundation.

“This is the 3rd set of individuals being trained to advocate against GBV, the first and second batch, comprising of 40 individuals each.

Also speaking on behalf of Champions,  Rose Steven thanked CITAD for the training.

She stated readiness to step down what they learnt in their various communities.

CITAD Holds Interactive Session With Female Journalists To Commemorates Int’l Girl Child Day

A non-governmental organization, Centre for Information Technology and Development CITAD with support from Association for Progressive Communications (APC) is organizing an interactive session with female journalists of eight (8) northern states to commemorate the International Day of the Girl Child.

During the session which took place at Sands and Duns Hotel Damaturu, Yobe state, CITAD Gender Officer, Zainab Aminu said the contribution of the girl child to society-building is invaluable, and it is evident across all major spheres, including education, politics, decision making, media, business and even much more.

Aminu added that despite the odds and unfavorable conditions, there is a lot to celebrate about the girl child this year. “They have been worthy ambassadors and we are proud of them all.” She stated.

She also called on stakeholders, parents and government to give adequate attention to girls’ education, as well as ensure a secure and favorable environment for their learning.

Speaking on the theme of this year’s celebration, ‘Our Time is Now, Our Rights, Our Future’ a Kano based journalist Hannatu Sulaiman Abba, said it was a call for the girl child to be free from all forms of biases and her rights restored.

Hannatu also urged mothers to pay attention to their girl child, teach them to develop the ability to think critically and ensure they have equal participation in decision making, either within the family or at the community level.

The female journalists were drawn from eight (8) northern states of Bauchi, Kano, Kaduna, Jigawa, Yobe, Gombe, Adamawa and Plateau.

International Day of the Girl Child is observed on October 11 every year and was first observed on October 11, 2012 by the United Nations. This year commemorates the 10th anniversary of the International Day of the Girl.

The day focuses attention on the need to address the challenges girls face and to promote girls’ empowerment and the fulfillment of their rights.

The theme of International Day of the Girl Child this year is: “Our time is now—our rights, our future.”

Center hosts an interactive discussion with women to celebrate Girl-Child Day

A non-governmental organization, Centre for Information Technology and Development (CITAD) with support from Association for Progressive Communications (APC), has organized an interactive session with female journalists of eight (8) northern states to commemorate the International Day of the Girl Child.

During the session which took place at Sands and Duns Hotel Damaturu, Yobe state, CITAD Gender Officer, Zainab Aminu said the contribution of the girl child to society-building is invaluable, and it is evident across all major spheres, including education, politics, decision making, media, business and even much more.

Aminu added that despite the odds and unfavorable conditions, there is a lot to celebrate about the girl child this year. “They have been worthy ambassadors and we are proud of them all.” She stated.

She also called on stakeholders, parents and government to give adequate attention to girls’ education, as well as ensure a secure and favorable environment for their learning.

Speaking on the theme of this year’s celebration, ‘Our Time is Now, Our Rights, Our Future’ a Kano based journalist Hannatu Sulaiman Abba, said it was a call for the girl child to be free from all forms of biases and her rights restored.

Hannatu also urged mothers to pay attention to their girl child, teach them to develop the ability to think critically and ensure they have equal participation in decision making, either within the family or at the community level.

The female journalists were drawn from eight (8) northern states of Bauchi, Kano, Kaduna, Jigawa, Yobe, Gombe, Adamawa and Plateau.

International Day of the Girl Child is observed on October 11 every year and was first observed on October 11, 2012 by the United Nations. This year commemorates the 10th anniversary of the International Day of the Girl.

The day focuses attention on the need to address the challenges girls face and to promote girls’ empowerment and the fulfillment of their rights.

The theme of International Day of the Girl Child this year is: “Our time is now—our rights, our future.”


Sagiru Ado Abubakar

In many states, the Centre for Information Technology and Development (CITAD) noted that
people living with disabilities have no access to educational institutions, no appropriate policies
to address their needs and concerns at schools and in place of work. People living with
disabilities face discrimination in matters of admission to high education and in places of
employment. In order to address these challenges CITAD has on Saturday 10 th September, 2022
organized a one-day training workshop on Digital Skills and the use of Social Media for
Advocacy and Accountability for the Physically Challenged People in Kano State. The workshop
was part of CITAD project titled ‘Supporting and Amplifying the Voice of People with Disabilities
to demand for Accountability’ which initiated by CITAD to sensitize the association of PWDs to
raise voice on issues of accountability and inclusion and engage PWDs to tell their stories on the
impact of corruption on their lives. In his opening remark, Malam Sagiru Ado Abubakar, the
coordinator of the project said that this workshop was organized when the centre noted that
People living with disabilities are economically and politically excluded and also lack the voice
to make effective demand for inclusion and accountability on matters that affect them. He said
that there is need to support associations of people living with disabilities to project their voice
and demand for accountability and inclusion as well as help them to sustain that voice.

On his part, the Executive Director of the Centre, Engr. Yunusa Zakari Ya’u said the training will
support the physically challenged in the society and prepare them to be self-reliant and
demanding accountability from the leaders to seek alternative means through social media.
Engr. Ya’u added that the training is one of CITAD’s initiatives aimed at addressing the exclusion
of people with special needs on access to digital skills and the use of social media for advocacy.
The Executive Director was represented by Centre Communication and Campaign Officer, Ali
Sabo who added further that technology can serve as a powerful tool for public opinion that
could compel leaders to be accountable. That’s why the training aimed at bringing PWDs on
board and equipping them with digital skills and use of social media for advocacy.
The first presentation talked about the concept of accountability, it explained that
accountability is about using power responsibly. It involves taking account of the needs,
concerns, capacities and disposition of affected parties, and explaining the meaning of, and
reasons for, actions and decisions. Therefore, it also about the right to be heard and the duty to
respond, based on the following five dimensions: Transparency, Participation, Learning and
Evaluation, Staff Competencies and Attitude, Complaint and Response Mechanism (CRM).
Buhari Abba Rano made the second presentation on the use of social media platforms for
advocacy and accountability. He explained social media platforms as interactive digitally-
mediated technologies that facilitate the creation or sharing/exchange of information, ideas,
career interests, and other forms of expression via virtual communities and networks. When
using social media, Rano said that make sure you can answer questions like:

• Why am I using this platform?

• Who will I reach on this platform?
• What post types work best on this platform?
• How are my posts unique to this platform?

If you have a hard time answering these questions, it might be time to dig deeper into why
you’re investing time there. Answering these questions will also help you develop your strategy
for that platform.
The last presentation was on Content Development by Ali Sabo. He explained that Social Media
Content plays a crucial role in achieving social media objectives such as brand recognition,
thought leadership, audience engagement, and lead generation. He added that, he content
allows you to cement your position as a go-to destination for your target audience, whether it is
for mobilization, advocacy, entertainment, education, or inspiration. According to Malam Ali
effective Social Media content will help you to build long term relationships with your audience.
One of the beneficiaries of the training, Amina Abubakar, described her experience during the
training as challenging and exciting, noting that she intends to further her knowledge in Digital
Skills so as to be competition worthy in the tech space.