Have focus in everything you do, surround yourself with positive-minded people – Prof. Abdullahi Abubakar

As we bid farewell to the year 2019, the Centre for Information Technology and Development (CITAD) has featured Arc. Prof. Abdullahi Abubakar of Ahmadu Bello University Zaria as it’s guest speaker for December 2019 edition of the Inspiring Leadership Reflection Interactive Series (ILERIS). CITAD introduced ILERIS four years ago to inspire, mentor and shape particularly the lives of the young people to become achievers in their lives through hosting successful on monthly basis to have an interactive discussion with them.

The session began with opening and welcome remarks by the Executive Director of CITAD represented at the ILERIS by Training Coordinator, Malam Ahmad Abdullahi Yakasai, he welcomed and appreciated the guest for finding time to come and share his wealth of experience with teeming participants. Malam Ahmad said the monthly session began about four years ago and has featured different reputable personalities and they have greatly inspired lives and endeavors of the participants.

The guest speaker, Ar. Prof. Abdullahi Abubakar spent close to two hours talking to the participants on his life’s journey showcasing his educational, leadership and community service activities, in that he gave a robust view of how he has succeeded in educational endeavor and his style of leadership, he made references to how commitment, determination, passion and zeal greatly helped him record successes. He said without focus in what one does, goals may be unachievable.

Comments and questions were asked after the guest’s presentation and many participants commended the guest for sharing his experiences and admitted being inspired. A participant who is a writer, Khalid Imam said was positively moved by the guest story, he gave a copy of a book he authored to the guest adding that the guest’s success stories and determination won him the book. CITAD also presented the guest with some publications as a gesture to appreciate him.