International Women’s Day 2019

CITAD’s Took Part in Celebrating the 2019 International Women’s Day

by Maryam Ado Haruna: Gender Officer

In every year, the 8th of March is marked as the International Women’s Day which is celebrated in many countries around the world. It is a day in which women are recognized for their contribution to the society and achievements regardless of nationality, ethnicity, culture or religion among other divisions. The Women’s Day first emerged as a result of activities of labour movements at the turn of the twentieth century in North America and across Europe. Today, the women’s day which focal point is the movements for women’s rights is celebrated in almost every part of the world incuding Nigeria.
It was in thsi vein that Center for Information Technology and Development (CITAD), an organisation which has one of it’s priority to empower and fights for women’s right, joined the millions of people across the world to celebrate the 2019 Women’s Day.
In this effort, CITAD organised on 8th of March, a Sensitisation Lectures for women from across Kano state. The participants who mostly came under the uniform of The Federation of Muslim Women’s Associations in Nigeria (FOMWAN), were fully appreciative of the lecture.
In his welcoming remarks, Malam Ahmad Yakasai who represented the Executive Director of CITAD, Dr. Yunusa Ya’u, explalained that CITAD is joining the world in celebrating the day because the centre is fully aware of the worth of women in the society. He added that the centre has also being in the core front in empowering and supporting women especially with ICT not only in Kano, but across many northern states in Nigeria.
In her presentation, Maryam Ado Haruna who is the gender officer of the organisation briefed the women on the 2019 theme of the day; Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate for Change.The 2019 theme focuses on innovative ways in which gender equality could be advanced as well as the empowerment of women, particularly in the areas of social protection systems, access to public services and sustainable infrastructure. She added with explaining to the women how important the internet it to women and how they could use it to innovate ideas that could help change the world to make it safer for women to live in.
Another lecture was presented by Harira Abdulrahman Wakili where she explained that the day is a time to reflect on progress made, to call for change and to celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played an extraordinary role in the history of their countries and communities.
In the last segement of the lecture, the Training officer, Maryam Haruna explained the efforts made by CITAD in empowering young women with digital skills to enable them become self-reliant and dependent, adding that today women could go nowhere if they do not embrace technology. She explained that in it’s Digital Livelihood Training supported by US Embassy, CITAD has trained over 100 women on how to use technology to empower themselves, establish business and or expand existing their businesses. She added that CITAD travels down inside remote communities to reach them with ICT tools and skills.
The women who attended the lecture commended CITAD for the effort. They also expressed that the centre is already known for supporting women and uplifting their core values. They however urged CITAD to do more in reaching rural communities where women’s right is greatly infringed. They also called on themselves to collaborate and fight together for women’s rights and also support and mentor one another.